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National Food Security Act, 2013

Chapter V

Reforms in Targeted Public Distribution System

12. Reforms in Targeted Public Distribution System.

1.      The Central and State Governments shall endeavour to progressively undertake necessary reforms in the Targeted Public Distribution System in consonance with the role envisaged for them in this Act.

2.      The reforms shall, inter alia, include—

a.      doorstep delivery of food-grains to the Targeted Public Distribution System outlets;

b.     application of information and communication technology tools including end-to-end computerisation in order to ensure transparent recording of transactions at all levels, and to prevent diversion;

c.      leveraging ''aadhaar'' for unique identification, with biometric information of entitled beneficiaries for proper targeting of benefits under this Act;

d.     full transparency of records;

e.      preference to public institutions or public bodies such as Panchayats, selfhelp groups, co-operatives, in licensing of fair price shops and management of fair price shops by women or their collectives;

f.      diversification of commodities distributed under the Public Distribution System over a period of time;

g.     support to local public distribution models and grains banks;

h.      introducing schemes, such as, cash transfer, food coupons, or other schemes, to the targeted beneficiaries in order to ensure their foodgrain entitlements specified in Chapter II, in such area and manner as may be prescribed by the Central Government.

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