Chapter V
Bodies of The Council
19. Executive Committee.-
(1) The Council shall constitute a Committee, called Executive Committee for discharging such functions as may be assigned to it by the Council or as may be determined by regulations.
(2) The Executive Committee shall consist of the following members, namely:-
(a) the Chairperson;
(b) the Vice-Chairperson;
(c) the Member-Secretary;
(d) the Secretary to the Government of India in the Department dealing with Education, ex officio;
(e) the Secretary, University Grants Commission, ex officio;
(f) the Director, National Council of Educational Research and Training, ex officio;
(g) the Financial Adviser to the Government of India in the Department dealing with Education, ex officio;
(h) four experts in teacher education to be nominated by the Central Government;
(i) four State representatives to be nominated by the Central Government in such manner as may be prescribed;
(j) the Chairpersons of the Regional Committees.
(3) The Chairperson and the Member-Secretary of the Council shall respectively, function as the Chairperson and the Member-Secretary of the Executive Committee.
(4) The Chairperson or in his absence, the Vice-Chairperson of the Council shall preside at the meetings of the Executive Committee and in the absence of both the Chairperson and the Vice-Chairperson, any other member chosen by the members present at the meeting shall preside at the meeting.
(5) The quorum necessary for the transaction of business at the meetings of the Executive Committee shall be as laid down by regulations.
(6) The Executive Committee may co-opt, in such manner and for such purposes, as may be determined by regulations, not more than two persons whose assistance and advice, it may desire in carrying out any of the functions assigned to the Executive Committee: Provided that the persons co-opted by the Executive Committee for any purpose shall have a right to take part in the discussions relevant to that purpose, but shall not have a right to vote at a meeting of the Executive Committee, and shall not be a member for any other purpose.
(7) The Council may, if it considers necessary, establish such other committees, for such specific purpose, as it may deem fit.