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33. Admission of Colleges, etc., to the privileges of the University

(1) Colleges and other Institutions situated within the jurisdiction of the University may be admitted to such privileges of the University as the Executive Council may decide on the following conditions, namely:-

(i) Every such College or Institution shall have a regularly constituted Governing Body, consisting of not more than fifteen persons approved by the Executive Council and including among others, two teachers of the University to be nominated by the Executive Council and three representatives of the teaching staff of whom the Principal of the College or Institution shall be one. The procedure for appointment of members of the Governing Body and other matters affecting the management of a College or an Institution shall be prescribed by the Ordinances: Provided that the said condition shall not apply in the case of Colleges and Institutions maintained by Government which shall, however, have an Advisory Committee consisting of not more than fifteen persons which shall consist of among others, three teachers including the Principal of the College or Institution, and two teachers of the University nominated by the Executive Council.

(ii) Every such College or Institution shall satisfy the Executive Council on the following matters, namely:-

(a) the suitability and adequacy of its accommodation and equipment for teaching;

(b) the qualifications and adequacy of its teaching staff and the conditions of their service;

(c) the arrangements for the residence, welfare, discipline and supervision of students;

(d) the adequacy of financial provision made for the continued maintenance of the College or Institution; and

(e) such other matters as are essential for the maintenance of the standards of University education.

(iii) No College or Institution shall be admitted to any privileges of the University except on the recommendation of the Academic Council made after considering the report of a Committee of Inspection appointed for the purpose by the Academic Council.

(iv) Colleges and Institutions desirous of admission to any privileges of the University shall be required to intimate their intention to do so in writing so as to reach the Registrar not later than the 15th August, preceding the year from which permission applied for is to have effect.

(v) A College or an Institution shall not, without the previous permission of the Executive Council and the Academic Council, suspend instruction in any subject or course of study which it is authorised to teach and teaches.

(2) Appointment to the teaching staff and Principals of Colleges or Institutions admitted to the privileges of the University shall be made in the manner prescribed by the Ordinances: Provided that nothing in this clause shall apply to Colleges and Institutions maintained by Government.

(3) The Service conditions of the administrative and other non-academic staff of every College or Institution referred to in clause (2) shall be such as may be laid down in the Ordinances: Provided that nothing in this clause shall apply to Colleges and Institutions maintained by Government.

(4) Every College or Institution admitted to the privilege of the University shall be inspected at least once in every two academic years by a Committee appointed by the Academic Council, and the report of the Committee shall be submitted to the Academic Council, which shall forward the same to the Executive Council with such recommendations as it may deem fit to make.

(5) The Executive Council, after considering the report and the recommendations, if any, of the Academic Council, shall forward a copy of the report of the Governing Body of the College or Institution with such remarks, if any, as it may deem fit for suitable action.

(6) The Executive Council may, after consulting the Academic Council, withdraw any privileges granted to a College or an Institution, at any time it considers that the College or Institution does not satisfy any, of the conditions on the fulfilment of which the College or Institution was admitted to such privileges: Provided that before any privileges are so withdrawn, the Governing Body of the College or Institution concerned shall be given an opportunity to represent to the Executive Council why such action should not be taken.

(7) Subject to the conditions set forth in clause (1), the Ordinances may prescribe-

(i) such other conditions as may be considered necessary;

(ii) the procedure for the admission of Colleges and Institutions to the privileges of the University and for the withdrawal of those privileges.

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