13. Powers and functions of the Executive Council
(1) The Executive Council shall have the power of management and administration of the revenue and property of the University and the conduct of all administrative affairs of the University not otherwise provided for.
(2) Subject to the provisions of this Act, the Statutes and the Ordinances, the Executive Council shall, in addition to all other powers vested in it, have the following powers, namely:-
(i) to create teaching and academic posts, to determine the number and emoluments of such posts and to define the duties and conditions of service of Professors, Readers, Lecturers and other academic staff and Principals of Colleges and Institutions maintained by the University: Provided that no action shall be taken by the Executive Council in respect of the number, qualifications and the emoluments of teachers and academic staff otherwise than after consideration of the recommendations of the Academic Council;
(ii) to appoint such Professors, Readers, Lecturers and other academic staff, as may be necessary, and Principals of Colleges and Institutions maintained by the University on the recommendation of the Selection Committee constituted for the purpose and to fill up temporary vacancies therein;
(iii) to create administrative, ministerial and other necessary posts and to make appointments thereto in the manner prescribed by the Ordinances;
(iv) to grant leave of absence to any officer of the University other than the Chancellor and the Vice-Chancellor, and to make necessary arrangements for the discharge of the functions of such officer during his absence;
(v) to regulate and enforce discipline among employees in accordance with the Statutes and the Ordinances;
(vi) to manage and regulate the finances, accounts, investments, property, business and all other administrative affairs of the University, and for that purpose to appoint such agents as it may think fit;
(vii) to fix limits on the total recurring and the total non-recurring expenditure for a year on the recommendations of the Finance Committee;
(viii) to invest any money belonging to the University, including any unapplied income, in such stocks, funds, shares or securities, from time to time, as it may think fit or in the purchase of immovable property in India, with the like powers of varying such investment from time to time;
(ix) to transfer or accept transfers of any movable or immovable property on behalf of the University;
(x) to provide buildings, premises, furniture and apparatus and other means needed for carrying on the work of the University;
(xi) to enter into, vary, carry out and cancel contracts on behalf of the University;
(xii) to entertain, adjudicate upon, and, if thought fit, to redress any grievances of the employees and students of the University who may, for any reason, feel aggrieved;
(xiii) to appoint examiners and moderators and, if necessary, to remove them, and to fix their fees, emoluments and travelling and other allowances, after consulting the Academic Council;
(xiv) to select a common seal for the University and provide for the custody and use of such seal;
(xv) to make such special arrangements as may be necessary for the residence and discipline of women students;
(xvi) to delegate any of its powers to the Vice-Chancellor, the Pro-Vice-Chancellor, the Deans, the Registrar or the Finance Officer or such other employee or authority of the University or to a committee appointed by it as it may deem fit;
(xvii) to institute fellowships, scholarships, studentships, medals and prizes; and
(xviii) to provide for the appointment of Visiting Professors, Emeritus Professors; Consultants and Scholars and determine the terms and conditions of such appointments;
(xix) to exercise such other powers and perform such other duties as may be conferred or imposed on it by the Act, or the Statutes.