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The Major Port Authorities Act, 2021

28. Board's lien for rates.-

(1) The Board for the amount of all rates leviable under this Act in respect of any goods and for the rent due to such Board for any buildings, plinths stacking areas, or other premises on or in which any goods may have been placed, it shall have a lien on such goods, and may seize and detain the same until such rates and rents are fully paid.

(2) The right of lien referred to in sub-section (1) shall have priority over all other liens and claims, except for general average and for ship owner's lien upon the said goods for freight and other charges where such lien exists and has been preserved in the manner provided in sub-section (1) of section 29, and for monies payable to the Central Government under any law for the time being in force relating to customs, other than by way of penalty or fine.

(3) The right of lien referred to in sub-section (1) shall also vest with any concessionaire appointed by the Board with whom a concession contract under a Public Private Partnership project for operating any berth or terminal within the port limits has been executed by the said Board.

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