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The Institutes of Technology Act, 1961

[Act No. 59 of 1961]

[19th December, 1961.]

Title The Institutes of Technology Act, 1961
Sections: Particulars:
Chapter I Preliminary Sections
1. Short title, and commencement
2. Declaration of certain institutions as institutions of national importance
3. Definitions
Chapter II The Institutes
4. Incorporation of institutes
5. Effect of incorporation of institutes
5A. Effect of incorporation of Institute of Technology, Roorkee
5B. Effect of incorporation of Indian Institute of Technology (Banaras Hindu University), Varanasi
6. Powers of Institutes
7. Institutes to be open to all races, creeds and classes
8. Teaching at Institute
9. Visitor
10. Authorities of Institutes
11. Board of Governors
12. Term of office of, vacancies among, and allowances payable to, members of Board
13. Functions of Board
14. Senate
15. Functions of Senate
16. Chairman of Board
17. Director
18. Deputy Director
19. Registrar
20. Other authorities and officers
21. Grants by Central Government
22. Fund of the Institute
23. Accounts and audit
24. Pension and provident fund
25. Appointments
26. Statutes
27. Statutes how made
28. Ordinances
29. Ordinances how made
30. Tribunal of Arbitration
Chapter III The Council
31. Establishment of Council
32. Term of office of, vacancies among, and allowances payable to, members of Council
33. Functions of Council
34. Chairman of Council
35. Power to make rules in respect of matters in this Chapter
Chapter IV Miscellaneous
36. Acts and proceedings not to be invalidated by vacancies
37. Power to remove difficulties
38. Transitional provisions
39. Repeal and savings
Schedule I List of Insecticides

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