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17. Powers and functions of Senate.-

(1) Subject to the provisions of this Act, the Senate shall be the principal academic body of the Institute and shall have the power to enact, amend, modify Ordinances, governing academic matters and the affairs and well-being of students in the Institute.

(2) Without prejudice to the provisions of sub-section (1), the Senate shall have the following powers, namely:-

(a) to specify the criteria and process for admission to courses or programmes of study offered by the Institute;

(b) to recommend to the Board creation of teaching and other academic posts, determination of the number and emoluments of such posts and defining the duties and conditions of service of teachers and other academic posts;

(c) to recommend to the Board about commencement of new programmes or courses of study;

(d) to specify the broad academic content of programmes and courses of study and undertake modifications therein;

(e) to specify the academic calendar and approve grant of degrees, diplomas and other academic distinctions or titles;

(f) to appoint examiners, moderators, tabulators and such other personnel for different examinations;

(g) to recognise diplomas and degrees or Universities and other Institutes and to determine equivalence with the diplomas and degrees of the Institute;

(h) to suggest measures for departmental co-ordination;

(i) to make major recommendations to the Board of Governors on-

(a) measures for improvement of standard of teaching, training and research;

(b) institution of chairs, fellowships, scholarships, studentships, free-ships, medals and prizes and other related matters;

(c) establishment or abolition of departments or centres; and

(d) bye-laws covering the academic functioning of the institute, discipline, residence, admissions, examinations, award of fellowships and studentships, free-ships concessions, attendance and other related matters;

(j) to appoint sub-committees to advise on such specific matters as may be referred to by the Board of Governors or by itself;

(k) to consider the recommendations of the sub-committees and to take such action including making of recommendations to the Board of Governors as may be required;

(l) to take periodical review of the activities of the Departments or Centres and to take appropriate action including making of recommendations to the Board of Governors with a view to maintain and improve the standards of instructions, in the institutions; and

(m) to exercise such other powers and discharge such other functions as may be assigned to it, by Statutes or otherwise, by the Board.

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