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Hindu Minority and Guardianship Act, 1956

Act No.32 of 1956

Sections Particulars
1 Short title and extent
2 Act to be supplemental to Act 8 of 1890
3 Application of Act
4 Definitions
5 Over-riding effect of Act
6 Natural guardians of a Hindu minor
7 Natural guardianship of adopted son
8 Powers of natural guardian
9 Testamentary guardians and their powers
10 Incapacity of minor to act as guardian of property
11 De facto guardian not to deal with minor’s property
12 Guardian not to be appointed for minor’s undivided interest in joint family property
13 Welfare of minor to be paramount consideration

An Act to amend and codify certain parts of the law relating to minority and guardianship among Hindus.

[25th August, 1956]

Be it enacted by Parliament in the Seventh Year of the Republic of India as follows:-

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