Government Securities Act 2006
15. Power of Bank to require bonds. -
1. Before making any order which it is empowered to make under this Act, the Bank may require the person in whose favour the order is to be made to execute an indemnity bond with one or more sureties in such form as may be prescribed or to furnish security not exceeding twice the value of the subject-matter of the order, to be held at the disposal of the Bank, to pay to the Bank or any person to whom the Bank may assign the indemnity bond or security in furtherance of sub-section (2) the amount thereof.
2. A Court before which a claim in respect of the subject-matter of any such order is established may order the indemnity bond or security to be assigned to the successful claimant who shall thereupon be entitled to enforce the indemnity bond or realise the security to the extent of such claim.