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Disaster Management Act, 2005

Sections Particulars
Chapter I Preliminary
1 Short title, extent and commencement
2 Definitions
Chapter II The National Disaster Management Authority
3 Establishment of National Disaster Management Authority
4 Meetings of National Authority
5 Appointment of officers and other employees of the National Authority
6 Powers and functions of National Authority
7 Constitution of advisory committee by National Authority
8 Constitution of National Executive Committee
9 Constitution of sub-committees
10 Powers and functions of National Executive Committee
11 National Plan
12 Guidelines for minimum standards of relief
13 Relief in loan repayment, etc.
Chapter III State Disaster Management Authorities
14 Establishment of State Disaster Management Authority
15 Meetings of the State Authority
16 Appointment of officers and other employees of State Authority
17 Constitution of advisory committee by the State Authority
18 Powers and functions of State Authority
19 Guidelines for minimum standard of relief by State Authority
20 Constitution of State Executive Committee
21 Constitution of sub-committees by State Executive Committee
22 Functions of the State Executive Committee
23 State Plan
24 Powers and functions of State Executive Committee in the event of threatening disaster situation
Chapter IV District Disaster Management Authority
25 Constitution of District Disaster Management Authority
26 Powers of Chairperson of District Authority
27 Meetings
28 Constitution of advisory committees and other committees
29 Appointment of officers and other employees of District Authority
30 Powers and functions of District Authority
31 District Plan
32 Plans by different authorities at district level and their implementation
33 Requisition by the District Authority
34 Powers and functions of District Authority in the event of any threatening disaster situation or disaster
Chapter V Measures by the Government for Disaster Management
35 Central Government to take measures
36 Responsibilities of Ministries or Departments of Government of India
37 Disaster management plans of Ministries or Departments of Government of India
38 State Government to take measures
39 Responsibilities of departments of the State Government
40 Disaster management plan of departments of State
Chapter VI Local Authorities
41 Functions of the local authority
Chapter VII National Institute of Disaster Management
42 National Institute of Disaster Management
43 Officers and other employees of the National Institute
Chapter VIII National Disaster Response Force
44 National Disaster Response Force
45 Control, direction, etc.
Chapter IX Finance, Accounts and Audit
46 National Disaster Response Fund
47 National Disaster Mitigation Fund
48 Establishment of funds by State Government
49 Allocation of funds by Ministries and Departments
50 Emergency procurement and accounting
Chapter X Offences and Penalties
51 Punishment for obstruction, etc.
52 Punishment for false claim
53 Punishment for misappropriation of money or materials, etc.
54 Punishment for false warning
55 Offences by Departments of the Government
56 Failure of officer in duty or his connivance at the contravention of the provisions of this Act
57 Penalty for contravention of any order regarding requisitioning
58 Offence by companies
59 Previous sanction for prosecution
60 Cognizance of offences
61 Prohibition against discrimination
62 Power to issue direction by Central Government
63 Powers to be made available for rescue operations
64 Making or amending rules, etc., in certain circumstances
65 Power of requisition of resources, provisions, vehicles, etc., for rescue operations, etc.
66 Payment of compensation
67 Direction to medial for communication of warnings, etc.
68 Authentication of orders or decisions
69 Delegation of powers
70 Annual report
71 Bar of jurisdiction of court
72 Act to have overriding effect
73 Action taken in good faith
74 Immunity from legal process
75 Power of Central Government to make rules
76 Power to make regulations
77 Rules and regulations to be laid before Parliament
78 Power of State Government to make rules
79 Power to remove difficulties

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