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29. Audit of Accounts.-

(1) The accounts of the Committee including those of the Gurdwaras, and Gurdwara property including educational and other charitable institutions administered by the Committee, shall be audited by one or more auditors duly qualified to act as auditor under sub-section (1) of section 226 of the Companies Act, 1956 (1 of 1956) (hereinafter referred to as the auditor), who shall be appointed by the Committee within sixty days of the close of every financial year and shall receive such remuneration as the Committee may fix:

Provided that the first appointment of auditors shall be made by the Committee within sixty days from the date of its first meeting held under section 15.

(2) For the purpose of any such audit and examination of accounts the auditors may, by a demand in writing, require from the Committee or any office-bearer or member or employee of the Committee or any Gurdwara, educational or other institution of the Committee, the production before him of all books, deeds, vouchers and all other documents and papers which he deems necessary, and may require any person holding or accountable for any such books, deeds, vouchers, documents and papers to appear before him at any audit and examination, to answer all questions which may be put to him with respect to the same or to prepare and submit any further statement which such auditor may consider necessary.

(3) Within thirty days after the audit and examination have been completed, the auditor shall submit a report to the Committee upon each account audited and examined.

(4) The audit report shall be published in, at least two daily papers of Delhi (one in English and one in Punjabi) as well as in Gurdwara Journal, if any, within thirty days of its receipt.

(5) The report of the auditor shall, among other matters, specify all items of expenditure which in his opinion are illegal, irregular or improper, all cases of failure of recoveries of money or property due to the Committee, all instances of loss or wasteful expenditure of money or property due to negligence or misconduct and all instances in which any money or property has been devoted to any purpose not authorised by this Act.

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