8. Other charges payable.-
(1) A tenant shall be liable to pay to the landlord, besides the rent, the following charges, namely:-
(a) charges, not exceeding fifteen per cent. of the rent for the amenities as specified in Schedule II as agreed to between the landlord and the tenant;
(b) maintenance charges at the rate of ten per cent. of the rent;
(c) without prejudice to the liability of landlord to pay the property tax to the local authority, the pro rata property tax in relation to the premises.
Explanation.-For the purpose of calculating the monthly charges payable by the tenant to the landlord towards the property tax, the amount paid or payable as property tax for the immediately preceding year or the estimated tax payable shall form the basis.
(2) The landlord shall be entitled to recover from the tenant the amount paid by him towards charges for electricity or water consumed or other charges levied by a local or other authority which is ordinarily payable by the tenant.