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28. Powers of entry.

The Authority may authorise any person to enter into or upon any land or building with or without assistants or workmen for the purpose of

(a) making any enquiry, inspection, measurement or survey or taking levels of such land or building;

(b) examining works under construction and ascertaining the course of sewers and drains;

(c) digging or boring into the sub-soil;

(d) setting out boundaries and intended lines of work;

(e) making such levels, boundaries and lines by placing marks and cutting trenches;

(f) ascertaining whether any land is being or has been developed in contravention of the master plan or zonal development plan or without the permission referred to in section 12 or in contravention of any condition subject to which such permission has been granted; or

(g) doing any other thing necessary for the efficient administration of this Act: Provided that

(i) no such entry shall be made except between the hours of sunrise and sunset and without giving reasonable notice to the occupier, or if there be no occupier, to the owner of the land or building;

(ii) sufficient opportunity shall in every instance be given to enable women (if any) to withdraw from such land or building;

(iii) due regard shall always be had, so far as may be compatible with the exigencies of the purpose for which the entry is made, to the social and religious usages of the occupants of the land or building entered.

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