Credit Information Companies (Regulation) Act, 2005
5. Grant of certificate of registration.-
1. The Reserve Bank may, for the purpose of considering the application of a company for grant of a certificate of registration to commence or carry on the business of credit information, require to be satisfied, by an inspection of records or books of such company or otherwise that the following conditions are fulfilled, namely:-
a. that the applicant company has minimum capital structure referred to in section 8;
b. that the general character of the management or the proposed management of the applicant company shall not be prejudicial to the interest of its specified users, clients or borrowers, or other credit information companies;
c. that any other condition, the fulfillment of which in the opinion of the Reserve Bank, shall be necessary to ensure that the commencement or carrying on of the business of credit information by the applicant company shall not be detrimental or prejudicial to the public interest or banking policy or credit system or its specified users or clients or borrowers or other credit information companies or others who would provide credit information to the credit information companies.
2. The Reserve Bank may, after being satisfied that the conditions as referred to in sub-section (1) are fulfilled, grant a certificate of registration to the applicant company to commence or carry on the business of credit information, subject to such conditions which it may consider fit to impose and if the company fails to fulfill any of such conditions or any of the provisions of this Act, the application of the company shall be rejected: Provided that no application shall be rejected unless the applicant has been given an opportunity of being heard.
3. The Reserve Bank may, having regard to the available business of credit information, the potential and scope for expansion of existing credit information companies and other relevant factors, determine the total number of the credit information companies which may be granted the certificates of registration for carrying on the business of credit information:
Provided that the total number of such credit information companies so determined may, on being satisfied by the Reserve Bank, that there is change in available business of credit information, potential and scope for expansion of existing credit information companies and other relevant factors relating thereto, be reviewed by the Reserve Bank.