8C. Power to notify kinds or varieties of silk-worm seeds.-
(1) If the Central Government, after consultation with the Committee, is of the opinion that it is necessary or expedient to regulate the quality of silk-worm seed of any kind or variety for the purpose of production and for commercial exploitation, it may, by notification in the Official Gazette, declare such kind or variety to be a notified kind or variety for the purposes of this Act and different kinds or varieties may be notified for different States or for different areas thereof, and it shall be incumbent upon every producer or dealer of such silk-worm seeds to produce or deal with such notified kinds and varieties of silk-worm seeds and in no other.
(2) The Central Government may, on the recommendation of the Committee, by notification, specify-
(a) the minimum quality standards and conditions for notified kinds or varieties of silk-worm seed; and
(b) the mark or label to indicate that such silk-worm seed conforms to the specified quality standards.