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The Central Road and Infrastructure Fund Act, 2000

1[Schedule Ii

[See Section 7 (1)]

Category of Projects and Infrastructure Sub-Sectors

Sl. No. Category Infrastructure Sub-Sectors
1. Transport (a) Road and bridges;
(b) Ports (including Capital Dredging);
(c) Shipyards (including a floating or land-based facility with the essential features of waterfront, turning basin, berthing and docking facility, slipways or ship lifts, and which is self- sufficient for carrying on shipbuilding/repair/breaking activities)
(d) Inland Waterways;
(e) Airports;
(f) Railway Track, tunnels, viaducts, bridges, terminal infrastructure including stations and adjoining commercial infrastructure;
(g) Urban Public Transport (except rolling stock in case of urban road transport).
2. Energy (a) Electricity Generation;
(b) Electricity Transmission;
(c) Electricity Distribution;
(d) Oil pipelines;
(e) Oil / Gas / Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) storage facility (including strategic storage of crude oil);
(f) Gas pipelines (including city gas distribution network).
3. Water and Sanitation (a) Solid Waste Management;
(b) Water supply pipelines;
(c) Water treatment plants;
(d) Sewage collection, treatment and disposal system;
(e) Irrigation (dams, channels, embankments, etc.);
(f) Storm Water Drainage System;
(g) Slurry pipelines.
4. Communication (a) Telecommunication (Fixed network including optic fibre/ wire/cable networks which provide broadband/internet);
(b) Telecommunication towers;
(c) Telecommunications and Telecom Services.
5. Social and Commercial Infra (a) Education Institutions (capital stock);
(b) Sports and Infrastructure (including provision of Sports Stadia and Infrastructure for Academies for Training/Research in Sports and Sports-related activities);
(c) Hospitals (capital stock including Medical Colleges, Para Medical Training Institutes and Diagnostic Centers);
(d) Tourism Infrastructure-

(i) three-star or higher category classified hotels located outside cities with population of more than one million;
(ii) ropeways and cable cars;

(e) Common infrastructure for industrial parks and other parks with industrial activity such as food parks, textile parks, special economic zones, tourism facilities and agriculture markets;
(f) Post-harvest storage infrastructure for agriculture and horticulture produce including cold storage;
(g) Terminal markets;
(h) Soil-testing laboratories;
(i) Cold chain (including cold room facility for farm level pre-cooling, for preservation or storage of agriculture and allied produce, marine products and meat);
(j) Affordable Housing (including a housing project using at least 50% of the Floor Area Ratio (FAR)/Floor Space Index (FSI) for dwelling units with carpet area of not more than 60 square meters.

Explanation.- For the purposes of the item (j), the term "carpet area" shall have the meaning assigned to it in clause (k) of section 2 of the Real Estate (Regulation and Development) Act, 2016 (16 of 2016).

1. Ins. by Act 13 of 2018, s. 206 (w.e.f. 1-4-2018).

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