Central Excise Act, 1944
(1) An assessee may, at any stage of a case relating to him make an application in such form and in such manner as may be prescribed, and containing a full and true disclosure of his duty liability which has not been disclosed before the Central Excise Officer having jurisdiction, the manner in which such liability has been derived, the additional amount of excise duty accepted to be payable by him and such other particulars as may be prescribed including the particulars of such excisable goods in respect of which he admits short levy on account of misclassification or otherwise of such excisable goods, to the Settlement Commission to have the case settled and any such application shall be disposed of in the manner hereinafter provided :
Provided that no such application shall be made unless, -
(a) the applicant has filed monthly returns showing production, clearance and central excise duty paid in the prescribed manner;
(b) a show cause notice for recovery of duty issued by the Central Excise Officer has been received by the applicant; and
(c) the additional amount of duty accepted by the applicant in his application exceeds two lakh rupees :
Provided further that no application shall be entertained by the Settlement Commission under this sub-section in cases which are pending with the Appellate Tribunal or any Court :
Provided also that no application under this sub-section shall be made for the interpretation of the classification of excisable goods under the Central Excise Tariff Act, 1985 (5 of 1986).
(2) Where any excisable goods, books of accounts, other documents have been seized under the provisions of this Act or rules made thereunder , the assessee shall not be entitled to make an application under sub-section (1), before the expiry of one hundred and eighty days from the date of the seizure.
(3) Every application made under sub-section (1) shall be accompanied by such fees as may be prescribed.
(4) An application made under sub-section (1) shall not! be allowed to be withdrawn by the applicant. 94 ]