314. Arrest without warrant.
Any member of the police force employed in a cantonment may, without a warrant, arrest any person committing in his view a breach of any of the provisions of this Act which are specified in Schedule IV:
Provided that
(a) in the case of a breach of any such provisions as is specified in Part B of Schedule IV, no person shall be so arrested who consents to give his name and address, unless there is reasonable ground for doubting the accuracy of the name or address so given, the burden of proof of which shall lie on the arresting officer, and no person so arrested shall be detained after his name and address have been ascertained; and
(b) no person shall be so arrested for an offence under section 300 except
(i) at the request of the person importuned, or of a military officer in whose presence the offence was committed; or
(ii) by or at the request of a member of the Military, Naval or Air Force Police, who is employed in the cantonment and authorised in this behalf by the Officer Commanding the Station, and in whose presence the offence was committed or by or at the request of any police officer not below the rank of assistant sub-inspector who is deployed in the cantonment and authorised in this behalf by the Officer Commanding the station.
315. Duties of police officers.
It shall be the duty of all police officers to give immediate information to the Board of the commission of, or attempt to commit any offence against the provisions of this Act or of any rule or bye-law made thereunder, and to assist all cantonment officers and employees in the exercise of their lawful authority.