290. Registration and control of dogs.
(1) A Board may make bye-laws to provide for the registration of all dogs kept within the cantonment.
(2) Such bye-laws shall
(a) require the registration, by any officer authorised in this behalf of all dogs kept in the cantonment;
(b) require that every registered dog shall wear a collar to which shall be attached a metal token to be issued by the registration authority, and fix the fee payable for the issue thereof;
(c) require that any dog which has not been registered or which is not wearing such token shall, if found in any public place, be detained at a place set apart for the purpose; and
(d) fix the fee which shall be charged for such detention and provide that any such dog shall be liable to be destroyed or otherwise disposed of unless it is claimed and the fee in respect thereof is paid within one week; and may provide for such other matters as the Board thinks fit.
(3) The Chief Executive Officer may
(a) cause to be destroyed, or to be confined for such period as he may direct, any dog or other animal which is, or is reasonably suspected to be, suffering from rabies, or which has been bitten by any dog or other animal suffering or suspected to be suffering from rabies;
(b) by public notice direct that, after such date as may be specified in the notice, dogs which are without collars or without marks distinguishing them as private property and are found straying on the streets or beyond the enclosures of the houses of their owners, if any, may be destroyed, and cause them to be destroyed accordingly.
(4) No damages shall be payable in respect of any dog or other animal destroyed or otherwise disposed of under this section.
(5) Whoever, being the owner or person in charge of any dog, neglects to restrain it so that it shall not be at large in any street without being muzzled and without being secured by a chain lead in any case in which
(a) he knows that the dog is likely to annoy or intimidate any person; or
(b) the Board has, by public notice during the prevalence of rabies, directed that dogs shall not be at large without muzzles and chain leads, shall be punishable with fine which may extend to one thousand rupees.
(6) Whoever in a cantonment
(a) allows any ferocious dog which belongs to him or is in his charge to be at large without being muzzled; or
(b) sets on or urges any dog or other animal to attack, worry or intimidate any person; or
(c) knowing or having reason to believe that any dog or animal belonging to him or in his charge has been bitten by an animal suffering or reasonably suspected to be suffering from rabies, neglects to give immediate information of the fact to the Chief Executive Officer or gives information which is false,
shall be punishable with fine which may extend to two thousand rupees.