Cantonments Act, I924
57.Unauthorised possession of spirituous liquor:-
If within a cantonment, or within any limits defined under section 56,-
(a) any person subject to military or air-force law otherwise than as a military officer or a soldier, or
(b) the wife or servant of any such person or of a soldier, has in his or her possession, except on behalf of the { the A.O.1937, for " Govt."} [Central Government] or for the private use of a military officer, more than one quart of any spirituous liquor, other than fermented malt-liquor. without the written permission of the { Act 7 of 1925, s.14 for " Commanding Officer of the Cantonment "} [Officer Commanding the station] or of some person authorized by the { Act 7 of 1925, s.14 for " Commanding Officer of the Cantonment "}
[Officer Commanding the station] to grant such permission, he or she shall be punishable, in the case of a first offence, with fine which may extend to fifty rupees and, in the case of a subsequent offence, with imprisonment for a term which may extend to three months, or with fine which may extend to one hundred rupees.