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Cantonments Act, I924

126.Power to require buildings, wells, etc., to be tendered safe:-

Where in a cantonment any building, or wall, or anything affixed thereto, or any well, tank, reservoir, pool, depression, or excavation, or any bank or tree, is in the opinion of the { Act 24 of 1936, s.69, for "Cantonment Authority".} [Board], { Act 7 of 1925, s.7} [in a ruinous state or], for want of sufficient repairs, protection or enclosure, { Act 7 of 1925, s.7} [a nuisance or] dangerous to persons passing by or dwelling or working in the neighborhood, the { Act 24 of 1936, s.69, for "Cantonment Authority".} [Board] { Act 8 of 1944, s.6, for "may, by notice in writing".}[by notice in writing may], require the owner { Act 24 of 1936, s.38.} [or part-owner or person claiming to be the owner or part owner thereof, or, failing any of them, the occupier] thereof { Act 8 of 1944, s.6, for "either to remove the same or to repair".} [to remove the same or may require him to repair], { Act 24, of 1936, s.38, for "protect or enclose".} [or to protect or to enclose] the same in such manner as it thinks necessary; and if the danger is, in the opinion of the { Act 24 of 1936, s.69, for "Cantonment Authority".} [Board], imminent, it shall forthwith take such steps as it thinks necessary to avert the same.

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