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Cantonments Act, I924

109.Application of cantonment fund and property:-

The cantonment fund and all property vested in a { Act 24 of 1936, s.69, for " Cantonment Authority ".} [Board] shall be applied for the purposes, whether express or implied, for which, by or under this Act or any other law for the time being in force, powers are conferred or duties or obligations are imposed upon the { Act 24 of 1936, s.69, for " Cantonment Authority ".} [Board]:

Provided that the { Act 24 of 1936, s.69, for " Cantonment Authority ".} [Board] shall not incur any expenditure for acquiring or renting land beyond the limits of the cantonment or for constructing any work beyond such limits except-

(a) with the sanction of the {Subs., ibid., for " L.G."} [Central Government], and

(b) on such terms and conditions as the {Subs., ibid., for " L.G."} [Central Government] may impose:

Provided , further, that priority shall be given in the order hereinafter set forth to the following liabilities and obligations of a { Act 24 of 1936, s.69, for " Cantonment Authority ".} [Board], that is to say,-

(a) to the liabilities and obligations arising from a trust legally imposed upon or accepted by the { Act 24 of 1936, s.69, for " Cantonment Authority ".} [Board];

(b) to the repayment of, and the payment of interest on, any loan incurred under the provisions of the Local Authorities Loans Act, 1914;

(c) to the payment of. establishment charges;

(d) to the payment of such expenses on account of pauper lunatics sent from the cantonment to public lunatic asylums and mental hospitals as the {Subs., ibid., for " L.G."} [Central Government] directs the { Act 24 of 1936, s.69, for " Cantonment Authority ".} [Board] to pay; and

(e) to the payment of any sum the payment of which is expressly required by the provisions of this Act or any rule or bye-law made thereunder.

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