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80. Provisions relating to All-India Services.-

(1) In this section, the expression "State cadre"-

(a) in relation to the Indian Administrative Service, has the meaning assigned to it in the Indian Administrative Service (Cadre) Rules, 1954, and

(b) in relation to the Indian Police Service, has the meaning assigned to it in the Indian Police Service (Cadre) Rules, 1954.

(2) In place of the cadres of the Indian Administrative Service and the Indian Police Service existing in the State of Bombay immediately before the appointed day, there shall, as from that day, be two separate cadres, one for the State of Maharashtra, and the other for the State of Gujarat, in respect of each of these services.

(3) The initial strength and composition of each of the State cadres shall be such as the Central Government may by order determine before the appointed day.

(4) The members of each of the said services borne on those cadres for the State of Bombay immediately before the appointed day shall be allocated to the State cadres of the same service for each of the States of Maharashtra and Gujarat in such manner and with effect from such date or dates as the Central Government may, by order, specify.

(5) Nothing in this section shall be deemed to affect the operation, after the appointed day, of the All-India Services Act, 1951 (61 of 1951), or the rules made thereunder in relation to the State cadres of the said services constituted under sub-section (2) and in relation to the members of those services borne on the said cadres.

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