16. Original jurisdiction of Assistant Judge.-
The District Judge may refer to any Assistant Judge subordinate to him original suits of which the subject-matter does not amount to ten thousand rupees in amount or value, and miscellaneous applications not being of the nature of appeals. The Assistant Judge shall have jurisdiction to try such suits and to dispose of such applications. Where the Assistant Judge's decrees and orders in such cases are appealable, the appeal shall lie to the District Judge or to the High Court according as the amount or value of the subject-matter does not exceed or exceeds five thousand rupees. The Assistant Judge shall, when directed by the District Judge so to do, also take evidence on applications for certificates under 2*** Act No. 20 of 1864 (for making better provision for the care of the persons and property of minors in, the Presidency of Bombay), and shall forward it with his opinion thereon for the final orders of the District Judge.