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11. Conditions subject to which the Board may exercise its functions.-

(1) The exercise by the Board of the functions specified in section 10 shall be subject to the following conditions, namely:-

(i) that the Governments of Madhya Pradesh and Uttar Pradesh shall at all times make, to the satisfaction of the Board, suitable provisions as to the moneys, land facilities and electrical power for construction and all other things required by the Board;

(ii) that the liability for the entire expenditure on the 1[Rajghat Dam and Rajghat Power House including appurtenant works and on the generation of power at Rajghat Dam] and all other expenditure incurred by the Board in the discharge of its functions shall be shared by the Governments of Madhya Pradesh and Uttar Pradesh in such proportion as may be specified by the Board:

Provided that the Board may specify different proportions for different works or matters having regard to the benefits which may accrue to the States and other relevant factors;

(iii) that the Governments of Madhya Pradesh and Uttar Pradesh shall extend full co-operation to the Board and shall in particular make available to the Board the land and electric power required by it for construction purposes as expeditiously as possible.

(2) For the purposes of clause (ii) of sub-section (1), the expenditure on the Rajghat Dam shall include the expenditure incurred by the Government of Uttar Pradesh on the Rajghat Dam Project before the establishment of the Board and the Board shall determine the amount of expenditure so incurred by the Government of Uttar Pradesh and the extent to which it shall be reimbursed by the Government of Madhya Pradesh.

Betwa River Board Act, 1976 Back

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