The Andhra Pradesh and Madras (Alteration of Boundaries) Act, 1959
The Legislative Councils
16. Extent of Council constituencies.-
(1) Any reference in the Delimitation of Council Constituencies (Andhra Pradesh) Order, 1957, to the State of Andhra Pradesh or to Chittoor district shall be construed as excluding the territories transferred from that State or district, as the case may be, to the State of Madras and as including the territories transferred to that State or district, as the case may be, from the State of Madras.
(2) Any reference in the Delimitation of Council Constituencies (Madras) Order, 1951, to the State of Madras or to Chingleput, North Arcot or Salem district shall be construed as excluding the territories transferred from that State or district, as the case may be, to the State of Andhra Pradesh, and as including the territories transferred to that State or district, as the case may be, from the State of Andhra Pradesh.