38. Proceedings of University authorities not invalidated by vacancies.
No act or proceeding of any authority of the University shall be invalidated merely by reason of the existence of a vacancy or vacancies among its members.
1. Subs. by Act 34 of 1972, s. 28, for "officers or teachers" (w.e.f. 17-6-1972)
2. Subs. by Act 62 of 1951, s. 26, for "Visiting Board".
3. See now the Arbitration Act, 1940 (10 of 1940).
4. Ins. by Act 34 of 1972, s. 29 (w.e.f. 17-6-1972).
5. Subs. by Act 62 of 1951, s. 27, for "provident and pension funds".
6. Subs. by the A.O. 1937, for "G.G. in C.".
7. For such declaration see Notification No. 151 (5, dated the 14th July, 1927, Gazette of India, 1927, Pt. I, I. 764 (G.S.R.O. Volume VIII, p. 192).
8. Subs. by Act 62 of 1951, s. 27, for "1897".
9. Sub-section (1) omitted by s. 28, ibid.
10. The words, brackets and figures "Subject to the provisions of sub-section (3) of section 18," omitted by Act 34 of 1972, s. 30 (w.e.f. 17-6-1972).
11. The word "other" omitted by Act 62 of 1951, s. 28.
12. Subs. by s. 28, ibid., for "any office of any authority"
13. Certain words omitted by Act 19 of 1965, s. 8. 12.