Advocates Act, 1961
54. Term of office of members of first ( Note:- The words "the Bar Council of India and" deleted by Act 21 of 1964, sec.22 and shall be deemed always have been deleted) State Bar Council-
Notwithstanding anything contained in this Act, the term of office of the (Note:- The words "nominated and" omitted by Act 14 of 1962, sec.3) elected members of ( Note:- The words "the Bar Council of India and" deleted by Act 21 of 1964, sec.22 and shall be deemed always have been deleted. ) a State Bar Council constituted for the first time, shall be two years from the date of the first meeting of the Council.
[ (Note:- Ins. by Act 21 of 1964, sec.22(ii) and shall be deemed to have always been inserted) Provided that such members shall continue to hold office until the State Bar Council is reconstituted in accordance with the provisions of this Act.]