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The Administrator - General's Act, 1913

ACT NO. 2 OF 1913.

An Act to consolidate and amend the Law constituting the office of Official Trustee.[27th February, 1913.]

S. No.

1. Short title extent and commencement
2. Interpretation clause
3. Extent of jurisdiction of High Court
4. Official Trustees
5. Appointment and powers of Deputy Official Trustee
6. Official Trustee to be corporation sole
7. General powers and duties of Official Trustee
8. Official Trustee may with consent be appointed trustee of settlement by grant
9. Appointment of Official Trustee as trustee by will
10. Power of High Court to appoint Official Trustee to be trustee of property
11. Power of private trustees to appoint Official Trustee to be trustee of property
12. Executor or administrator may pay to Official Trustee legacy
13. Official Trustee not to be required to give bond or security
14. Entry of Official Trustee not to constitute notice of a trust
15. Liability of Government
16. Notice of suit not required in certain cases
17. Fees
18. Disposal of fees
19. Auditors to be appointed to examine Official Trustees accounts
20. Auditors power to summon witnesses and to call for documents
21. Costs of audit, etc., how paid
22. Right of beneficiary to inspection and copies of accounts
23. Transfer to Government of accumulations in the hands of Official Trustee
24. Mode of proceeding by claimant to recover money so transferred
25. Power of High Court to make orders in respect of property vested in Official Trustee
26. Who may apply for order under Act
27. Order of Court to have effect of a decree
28. General powers of administration
29. Transfer of trust property by Official Trustee to original trustee or any other trustee
30. Rules
31. Division of Presidency into Provinces
32. Saving of provisions of Indian Registration Act, 1908
32A. Saving
32B. Special provision regarding certain Official Trustees affected by States re - organization
33. Repeals

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