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Lease of a House on Monthly Tenancy

This Agreement of Lease is entered into on............. Between X son of Y r/o ....................... (hereinafter addressed as the ‘lessor’) and A son of B r/o ................

(hereinafter addressed as the ‘lessee’)

Both The Lessor And The Lessee Agree On The Following Terms And Conditions Of This Agreement Of Lease:

1.      That the lessor is owner and landlord of the House No. ....... situated in ............................... which he has agreed to let to the lessee at the rent of Rs................ Per month to the lessor payable on the first day of each month in advance. The lessee agrees to take the aforesaid house on lease at the aforesaid rate of rent.

2.      That the lease is to commence with effect from ................. and the duration of the lease shall be eleven months from the date of its commencement.

3.      That the lessee shall be responsible for keeping the leased premise in good shape. He shall keep all the fixtures, electric fittings and water connection in good running condition However, the lessor reserves for himself the right to inspect the premises at all reasonable times and shall have the premises white washed and effect the substantial repairs.

4.      That the lessee shall use the premises exclusively for the residential purposes and shall not sublet the premises without the written permission of the lessor.

5.      That the lessee shall pay the water-tax and electricity charges in respect with the leased premises to the lessor in addition to the payment of rent as aforesaid.

6.      That the lessee shall deliver the peaceful vacant possession of the premises to the lessor at the termination of the period of lease. Lessee intending to vacate the premises at an earlier date, shall give a notice of his intention to the lessor to vacate the premises at the expiry of the period mentioned in the notice.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF the lessor and the lessee have signed this deed on the day and year first above written.

Signed by Signed by

................. ..................

(The lessor) (The lessor)

In Presence of In presence of

1................ 1...................

2................ 2..................

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