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Surrender of Lease

This Deed of Surrender is executed on the between A s/o...........r/o................(hereinafter called ‘lessee’) and B s/o........... r/o ......... ....... (hereinafter called ‘lessor’)

Whereas vide lease deed dated..........the lessor had granted the lessee a lease for .........years in respect with plot .......................

And Whereas the lease has agreed to surrender the aforesaid plot to the lessor at this request for a consideration of Rs.........

This Deed On Surrender Witnesses as Under :-

1.      The lessee hereby surrenders and yields to the lessor the property described hereinafter for the consideration of a sum of Rs....................paid by the lessor to the lessee (The receipt whereof the lessee hereby acknowledges).

2.      All the interests of lessee in the property aforesaid under or by virtue of the lease deed dated...........may be absolutely extinguished from the date of this deed.

3.      The lessee hereby release the lessor from all obligations arising under the lease aforesaid. The lessor shall be entitled to take possession of the plot at any time after giving to the lessee seven days notice in writing.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the lessor and lessee have signed this deed in the day and years first above written.

Witness............. Lessor............

Witness............. Lessee............

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