That the fax machine
thereafter developed certain fault for which repeated complaints were made to
the opposite party. However, the opposite party made no effort to rectify the
said faults.
4. That on _________
date a written complaint was delivered at the office of the opposite party, in
spite of which, the opposite party did not send any service engineer to rectify
the faults. A true copy of the said complaint is annexed hereto as
5. That due to the
negligent acts of the opposite party the complainant has suffered loss and
injury due to deprivation, harassment, mental agony and loss of professional
practice, for which he is entitled to compensation.
6. That the fax machine
has a warranty for a period of _____ years.
7. That the opposite
party is liable for breach of contact as it has not complied with the terms of
the guarantee and have acted extremely negligently in attending to the
complaint of the complainant and is therefore liable to compensate the
complainant for the loss and injury caused to him.
8. That the cause of
action arose on _______ date when the fax machine developed certain faults as
mentioned above. The cause of action further arose on _______ date, when a
written complaint was filed by the complainant.
9. That for the purposes
of section 11 of the Act, compensation claimed by the complainant is below Rs.
__________/- so this forum has jurisdiction to determine and adjudicate this
10. That the complainant
is a consumer as defined under the act.
the above mentioned facts and circumstances it is most respectfully prayed that
the Hon''ble Forum may be pleased to:
a. Order the opposite
party to pay Rs. ________ as compensation and Rs. _____________ as costs;
b. Pass any other such
order, as this Hon''ble Forum may deem fit and proper in the interests of
______________Son of _______________ Residing at _______________ do hereby
solemnly affirm and state that the contents and particulars of the complaint
stated above are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief and no
part of it is false and nothing material has been concealed therein.
at __________ on ___ day of __________ 2002.