B - Proclamation Requiring Attendance of Witness (O.16, R.10.)
it appears form the examination on oath of the serving officer that the summons
could not be served upon the witness in the manner prescribed by law: and
whereas it appears that the evidence of the witness is material, and he
absconds and keeps out of the way for the purpose of evading the service of the
summons: This proclamation is, there for, under rule 10 of Order XVI of the
Code of Civil Procedure, 1908, issued requiring the attendance of the witness
in this Court on the of ...........19.......... at
............o'clock in the forenoon and from day to day until he shall have
leave to depart; and if the witness fails to attend on the day and hour
aforesaid he will be dealt with according to law.
under my hand and the seal of the Court, this of