Agreement of Parties as to issue to be Tried.(O.14, R.6.)
we, the parties in the above suit, are agreed as to the question of fact [or of
law] to be decided between us and the point at issue between us is whether a
claim founded on a bond, dated the of ..............19 and filed
as Exhibit in the said suit, is or is not beyond the statute of limitation (or
state the point at issue whatever it may be):
therefore severally bind ourselves that, upon the finding of the Court in the
negative [or affirmative] of such issue, will............. pay to the
said........... the sum of Rupees ..............(or such sum as the Court shall
hold to be due thereon), and I, the said will accept the said sum of Rupees
.............(or such sum as the Court shall hold to be due) in full
satisfaction of my claim on the bond aforesaid [or that upon such finding I,
the said..............,will do or abstain from doing, etc., etc.]
the of........ 19..............