Preliminary Decree in a Suit for Dissolution of Partnership and The Taking of
Partnership Accounts
is declared that the proportionate shares of the parties in the partnership are
as follows:--
is declared that this partnership shall stand dissolved [or shall be deemed to
have been dissolved] as from the day of and it is ordered that the dissolution
thereof as from that day be advertised in the Gazette, etc
it is ordered that be the receiver of the partnership-estate and effects in
this suit and do get in all the outstanding book-debts and claims of the
it is ordered that the following accounts be taken:--
1. An account of the
credits, property and effects now belonging to the said partnership;
2. An account of the debts
and liabilities of the said partnership;
3. An account of all
dealings and transactions between the plaintiff and defendant, from the foot of
the settled account exhibit in this suit and marked (A), and not disturbing any
subsequent settled accounts.
it is ordered that the goodwill of the business heretofore carried on by the
plaintiff and defendant as in the plaint mentioned and the stock-in-trade, be
sold on the premises, and that the {Here insert name of proper officer} ma: on
the application of any of the parties, fix a reserved bidding for all or any of
the lots at such sale, and that either of the parties is t be at liberty to bid
at the sale.
it is ordered that the above accounts be taken, and all the other acts required
to be done be completed, before the day of, and that the {Here insert name of
proper officer} do certify the result of the' accounts, and that all other acts
are completed, and have his certificate in that behalf ready for tine
inspection of the parties on the day of
lastly, it is ordered that this suit stand adjourned for making a final decree
to the day of