Final Decree for Foreclosure (Order XXXIV, Rule 3.)
regarding the preliminary decree passed in this suit on the day
of...............................................any further orders (if any)
dated of........................and the
application of the plaintiff dated
of........................... for a final decree and after hearing the parties
and it appearing that the payment directed by the said decree and orders has
not been made by the defendant or any person on his behalf or any other person
entitled to redeem the said mortgage:
is hereby ordered and decreed that the defendant and all persons claiming
through or under him be and they are hereby absolutely debarred and foreclosed
of and from all right of redemption of and in the property in the aforesaid
preliminary decree mentioned; {Words not required to be deleted} [and (if the
defendant be in possession of the said mortgage property) that the defendant
shall deliver to the plaintiff quiet and peaceable possession of the said
mortgaged property].
it is hereby further declared that the whole of the liability whatsoever of the
defendant up to this day arising from the said mortgage mentioned in the plaint
or from this suit is hereby discharged and extinguished.