Established Year: | 2000 |
Accreditation: | Not Available |
Status Of College: | Bar Council Approved |
College Management: | Private |
College Facilities: | Not Available |
College Information:
The economy and the society have entered a phase of dramatic transformation in the newmillennium. The new era is conceived as the age of information where an understanding and knowledge of professional education is the gateway to success.
In the Indian context, with revolutionary changes in the policy of the Government, liberalization of the economy and globalization of the market, a new brand of professionals are destined to play a significant and key role in shaping the future society as well as the world of business.
This is the era of focused education. Since your ward has completed the basic education it is time to prepare him/her for a vibrant career. This is the most crucial phase of his/her life. Right choice entails not only the study programme, he/she opts for but also the educational environment where he/she pursues higher education.
Obviously, you are looking for the most suitable port of entry for his/her successful career. Inthisbackdrop, Mewar Institute of Management & Mewar Law Institute were established by the Mewar Education Society, Delhi, a non profit making body, registered under the Societies Registration Act, 1860, and comprising a group of enlightened academicians, businessmen and industrialists of repute.
The Institutes are guided in its activities by an advisory board.Both the Institutesarein affiliation with Ch. Charan Singh University, Meerut and with the vision of expertise, have started professional & career oriented courses.
Bar Council of India has accorded itsapproval for the Law courses and National Council for Teacher Education has approved the B.Ed.programme.Mewar has a distinguished and learned faculty comprising senior academicians, professional and young brains.
They are dynamic and enthusiastic and have rich experience in teaching. They impart their caliber by adopting latest techniques and methodologies in teaching. The teaching inputs by core faculty are supplemented by visiting and guest faculty drawn from various fields.
In the Indian context, with revolutionary changes in the policy of the Government, liberalization of the economy and globalization of the market, a new brand of professionals are destined to play a significant and key role in shaping the future society as well as the world of business.
This is the era of focused education. Since your ward has completed the basic education it is time to prepare him/her for a vibrant career. This is the most crucial phase of his/her life. Right choice entails not only the study programme, he/she opts for but also the educational environment where he/she pursues higher education.
Obviously, you are looking for the most suitable port of entry for his/her successful career. Inthisbackdrop, Mewar Institute of Management & Mewar Law Institute were established by the Mewar Education Society, Delhi, a non profit making body, registered under the Societies Registration Act, 1860, and comprising a group of enlightened academicians, businessmen and industrialists of repute.
The Institutes are guided in its activities by an advisory board.Both the Institutesarein affiliation with Ch. Charan Singh University, Meerut and with the vision of expertise, have started professional & career oriented courses.
Bar Council of India has accorded itsapproval for the Law courses and National Council for Teacher Education has approved the B.Ed.programme.Mewar has a distinguished and learned faculty comprising senior academicians, professional and young brains.
They are dynamic and enthusiastic and have rich experience in teaching. They impart their caliber by adopting latest techniques and methodologies in teaching. The teaching inputs by core faculty are supplemented by visiting and guest faculty drawn from various fields.