National Law School of India Review - Vol. 28(1): Call for Papers
The National Law School of India Review (NLSIR) is now accepting submissions for its upcoming issue - Volume 28(1). The NLSIR is the flagship law review of the National Law School of India University, Bangalore, India. The NLSIR is a bi-annual, student edited, peer-reviewed law journal providing incisive legal scholarship on issues that are at the forefront of contemporary legal discourse. For more than 25 years, the NLSIR has regularly featured articles authored by judges of the Indian Supreme Court, senior counsels practicing at the Indian bar, and several renowned academics.
Papers may be submitted under the following categories:
- Long Articles (between 5000 and 8000 words, inclusive of footnotes):
Papers in this category are expected to engage with the theme and literature comprehensively, and offer an innovative reassessment of the current understanding of that theme. It is advisable, though not necessary, to choose a theme that is of contemporary importance. Purely theoretical pieces are also welcome.
- Essays (between 3000 and 5000 words, inclusive of footnotes):
Essays are far more concise in scope. These papers usually deal with a very specific issue, and argue that the issue must be conceptualized differently. They are more engaging, and make a more easily identifiable, concrete argument.
- Case Notes and Legislative Comments (between 1500 and 2500 words, inclusive of footnotes):
This is an analysis of any contemporary judicial pronouncement or a new piece of legislation whether in India or elsewhere. The note must identify and examine the line of cases in which the decision in question came about, and comment on implications for the evolution of that branch of law. In case of legislative comment the note must analyze the objective of the legislation and the legal impact the same is expected to have.
Authors are requested to note that pieces engaging with a foreign theme or legal development, in any of the above categories, should also explain its relevance in the Indian context, whether by virtue of similar laws or otherwise.
Submissions are preferred in Times New Roman font, double-spaced. Main text should be in font size 12 and footnotes in font size 10. All submissions must be in .docx format. The review uses only footnotes (and not end-notes) as a method of citation. Submissions must conform to the Bluebook (19th Edn.) system of citation.
The NLSIR only accepts electronic submissions. All submissions should contain the name of the author, professional information, the title of the manuscript, and contact information.
The last date for submissions to Volume 28(1) is 30th November, 2015. Submissions may be emailed to under the subject heading '28(1) NLSIR - Submissions'.
Ms. Ashwini Vaidialingam
Chief Editor,
National Law School of India Review 2015-16
Phone: +91-9663370310
Mr. Kaustav Saha
Deputy Chief Editor,
National Law School of India Review 2015-2016
Phone: +91-9916707621
National Law School of India Review
National Law School of India,
PO Box 7201, Nagarbhavi,
Bangalore - 560 242
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