National Seminar on Capacity Building among Women in India: Entrepreneurship & Estate
The Centre for Gender Studies, National Law University, Jodhpur is going to organize a National Seminar on "Capacity Building among Women in India: Entrepreneurship & Estate". The National Seminar is sponsored by National Commission for Women (NCW).
Date: 2nd - 3rd October, 2015
Venue: National Law University, Jodhpur
Concept Note:
India is a fascinating laboratory of social conflict. Across the dividing lines of caste, creed, language, religion and caste lies a horizontal barrier of gender. Women have remained central to the socio-economic-political-historical narrative of India. The contribution of women at various levels of society to nation-building is evidenced by their sacrifices, pains and predicaments through the course of history. In 21st century India, the seminar seeks to examine two issues of importance, namely, entrepreneurship and estate.
Entrepreneurship has become a buzz word these days in the light of increasing globalization and advent of innovation in the private enterprise. Entrepreneurship entails the conception of an idea and execution of such an idea into a successful business venture. Evidently, this requires access to economic and social resources which women do not have access to. This is reinforced in the patriarchal set-up of society coupled with the lack of awareness in women.
Property as a concept is central to the idea of rights. In our quest to establish the Rule of Law in democratic societies such as India, there are key issues to be addressed in the realm of gender. First, the lack of adequate laws and system of enforcement; there is a fundamental lack of a legal support structure in countries across the world - both in terms of the property and inheritance rights. Second, there is a lack of awareness among women and other disadvantaged groups about the existing legal structure and the options of legal redress, inter alia, access to courts, social sanctions etc. Last, gender ideologies, beliefs and stereotypes constitute the fundamental barrier to women to gain property rights and enhance their status.
The Centre for Gender Studies, National Law University, Jodhpur seeks to organize this Seminar to effectively provide a platform to debate, discuss and deliberate upon the issue of the inequity & inequality of rights based on gender; both in the fields of Entrepreneurship and Estate in which social and legal obstacles may be examined. The issue of gender stereotypes should be conclusively challenged by the participants of the Seminar.
Call for Papers:
Papers and presentations are invited on issues related to the following sub-themes:
- Women Entrepreneurs - Challenges and Solutions with focus on SMEs
- Constraints faced by differently abled women
- Incentivisation of women entrepreneurs by government policy
- Women in the unorganized sector
- Barriers in access to economic resources
- The Question of Women in Minority communities
- Archaic social and traditional barriers to access
- Capacity Building: The Paradox of Education and Employment
- Property Law & Women
- Questions of Text, Terrain and Context in the Politics of Family Law and Gender
- Multiculturalism, Minority Women and Family Law
- Feminist Perspectives of Property
- A New Paradigm for Thinking about the Reform of Domestic Property Relations
- Social Entrepreneurship & Matrimonial Property Rights in Rajasthan
- Traditional social practices and denial of gender equality
- Bridging the divide-new initiative and policies
- Scientific advancements and incentivisation
Submission Guidelines:
The procedure for Submission of abstracts is under:
Your abstract (of about 250 words) should be sent in the TEXT BOX of the email (not as attachment). The following information, in the given format, should be sent along with the abstract:
- Name of Delegate
- Official Designation
- Address and Email id
- Title of Abstract
- Abstract [Text]
Email Your Abstract to:
- The subject line of your message should read: Abstract 2015: [Your name]
(All abstracts will be peer-reviewed before they are accepted).
For paper presenters, registration will be done only after the approval of abstracts by sending a Demand Draft in favor of 'Registrar, National Law University, Jodhpur' payable at Jodhpur.
Registration Fees:
- Outstation Academicians / Professionals: Rs. 2500/-
- Local Academicians / Professionals: Rs. 1500/-
- Outstation Students / Research Scholars: Rs. 1000/-
- Local Students / Research Scholars: Rs. 800/-
- Accommodation for Outstation Academicians will be arranged in the University's Convention Centre on a twin sharing basis. Outstation students will be accommodated in the University hostels.
- All conference participants will be responsible for making their own travel arrangements.
Important Dates:
Abstract of 250 words: |
25th August, 2015 |
Approval of Abstracts: |
5th September, 2015 |
Submission of Full Paper: |
25th September, 2015 |
Dr. Asha Bhandari
Faculty of Policy Science,
National Law University, NH-65,
Near Mandore, Nagour Road,
Jodhpur, Rajasthan
Fax: 0291-2577540.
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