National Seminar on "Legal Education in India and Career in Law"
Faculty of Law, Maharshi Dayanand University is pleased to invite you to the National Seminar on "Legal Education in India and Career in Law"
Date: 21st February, 2015
Venue: Faculty of Law, Maharshi Dayanand University, Rohtak, Haryana
Theme of the Seminar:
The Gurushishya Parampara has existed ever since Vedic era making education an integral part of human development. It is education which ultimately results in shaping or transforming the whole society into a human civilization. Imparting of legal education has always been considered as one to the noblest profession. Legal education which is part of general education cannot be viewed in isolation. Today, legal education derives its impetus from the economic, social and political setup of the society. 'Law is the cement of society and an essential medium of change'.
The significance of legal education in a democratic society cannot be over-emphasized. Knowledge of law increases one's understanding of public affairs. Its study promotes accuracy of the expression, facility in arguments and skill in interpreting the written words, as well as understanding of social values. It is pivotal duty of everyone to know the law. Ignorance of law is not innocence but a sin which cannot be excused.
Thus, legal education is imperative not only to produce good lawyers but also to create cultured law abiding citizens, who are inculcated with concepts of human values and human rights. The quality and standard of legal education acquired at the law school is reflected through the standard of Bar and Bench and consequently affects the legal system. The primary focus of law schools should be to identify the various skills that define a lawyer and then train and equip its students with requirements of the field of law.
- Present status of Legal Education in India: Existing Education Policy and Laws
- Present status of Legal Education in India: Pedagogy of Law Teaching
- Problems & Challenges of legal Education: Institutional Infrastructure
- Prospects of Legal Education: Role of Bar council
- Clinical Legal Education
- Role of Law Teacher for better Legal Education
- Profession of Legal Education: Globalisation and its Implication on Legal Education
Sub-themes mentioned above are only indicative. Participants can opt a precise title related to the broad theme of the Seminar.
Submission Guidelines:
The abstract of paper (maximum 300 words) and full paper not more than 5000 words should be typed in MS word 12 points font, New Times Roman, 1.5 spaces on A4 size paper. Abstract may be sent on e-mail by 6th February, 2014 and Full Length Paper on e-mail by 13th February, 2014 respectively. Hard copy of the same may be sent by post on the address given below along with the registration form duly filled in.
- The delegates will not be paid any TA/DA for participating in the Seminar.
- The delegates, who want to stay, are requested to intimate the Organizing Secretary by 10th February, 2014 so that comfortable arrangements for boarding and lodging can be made.
- The Registration fee for participation in Seminar is Rs.500/- and for on spot registration the registration fee will be Rs.600/- along with the hard copy of the original paper.
- If there is more than one author then each author requires to be registered.
- The selected papers will be published in the form of book with I.S.B.N. No henceforth.
- Payment can be made through Demand Draft / Multicity Cheque in the name "Director of Law Seminar, 2015" payable at Rohtak.
The postal address is as follows:
Dr. Badruddin
Head, Department of Law,
Maharshi Dayanand University
Rohtak - 124001, Haryana
Phone: +91-9896863313
Prof. A.S. Dalal
Phone: +91-9315813273
Dr. Jitender Singh Dhull
Organizing Secretary
Phone: +91-9416149377, 01262-393425
Download Registration Form