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1st ILS National Alternate Judgment Writing Competition 2014-15

We are pleased to announce the 1st National Alternate Judgment Writing Competition. Prizes for this competition are sponsored by the Nani Palkhivala Foundation. This competition involves preparation of an Alternative Draft of a Judgment by the participant on a case which has already been decided by the Supreme Court or a High Court.

Participant must be able to problematize an original existing judgment and should prepare an alternative judgment which should be considered as a substitute to the existing one by the examiners of the competition. Participants need not restrict to the order or findings expressed in the original judgment; they may arrive at their own conclusion and order. Arguments and reasoning need not be restricted to that expressed in the original judgment.

The Original Judgment:
Vishwa Lochan Madan Vs. Union of India (2014) 7 SCC 707, AIR 2014 SC 2957.


  • Any Law College or Law University can send only one entry.
  • One or two students can represent an institution. The student author/s of the Alternate Judgment shall be pursuing the 5-year or 3-year LL.B. course or LL.M.

To register for the competition:

  • Prepare and print the alternate judgment
  • Pay registration fees of Rs 501/- in any of the following modes:
    • By Demand Draft drawn on a nationalized bank in favour of 'Principal, ILS Law College'
    • By Electronic Transfer to Account Name: Principal ILS Law College; Account No: 490084060;
      Type: Current; Bank Name: Indian Bank; IFSC: IDIB000D007;
      Branch: Deccan Gymkhana; Branch Code: 324
      (Do not forget take a transaction slip of the electronic transfer)

  • Prepare a covering letter forwarding the alternate judgment, which letter shall be signed by the Head of the Institution or Department, stating
    • the name of your institution,
    • email and local address of your institution
    • names, emails, mobile / telephone numbers of each student author,
    • photographs and signatures of each student author.

  • Send the covering letter, DD or printout of transaction slip, and the alternate judgment to
    Centre for Public Law
    ILS Law College,
    Law College Road,
    Pune - 411004

  • Also send a soft copy of your alternate judgment in MSWord format by email to, with "Alternate Judgment" in the subject of the mail.
  • Your printed and soft copy of the alternate judgment, letter and payment must reach us on or before 25th January, 2015.

Dr. Sanjay Jain
Associate Professor

Ms. Sonali Jadhav
Assistant Professor

Ms. Tapasya
Student Co-ordinators
Phone: +91-9049415702

Ms. Gayatri
Student Co-ordinators
Phone: +91-9823549440


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