Certificate Course on Intellectual Property Rights
We are pleased to inform that, the Tamil Nadu Technology Development & Promotion Centre of Confederation of Indian Industry [CII] and Centre for Intellectual Property Rights (CIPR) of Anna University is jointly launching a 5 months - Certificate Course on Intellectual Property Rights, commencing on January 2015.
Objectives of the Course:
- To provide an overview on IPR to the graduates and professionals.
- To bring out techno-legal professionals in the field of IPR.
- To act as a bridge course between the academia and the manufacturing industries.
- To provide hands on training on different patent tools along with knowledge sharing by industry professionals
The curriculum is modeled to cover the Intellectual Property Rights.
- Duration: 5 months with 3 full months of extensive teaching
- 1 month project
- 1 month exam and certification.
The course will consist of 4 modules each module consists of 9 classes. i.e. Total no of classes: 36
Module - I: Overview on IPR and its classification - 9 classes
Introduction to IP - Invention and Creativity - Importance - Protection of IPR - Basic types of Property (i) Movable Property (ii) Immovable Property and (iii) Intellectual Property - Types of IPR - Patents -Copyrights and related rights - Trade Marks - Industrial Designs - Geographical Indications - Traditional Knowledge -Plant variety protection- Layout designs of Integrated Circuits.
Module - II: Patents - 9 classes
Introduction to Patents - Patentability criteria - Novelty, Non-Obviousness and industrial applicability -The Patent Act, 1970 - Inventions not patentable - Patent Specifications: Provisional and complete - Types of patent applications - compulsory licensing - Patent application Forms and fees - Types of Patent search - Prior-art search - Freedom to operate search - Patent validity/Invalidity search - state of art search - International Patent Classifications (IPC) - European patent classification (ECLA) -Cooperative patent classification (CPC) - patent claim analysis - IP landscaping.
Module III: International Conventions related to IPR - 9 classes
International convention relating to Intellectual Property - History of GATT & TRIPS Agreement - Berne convention-Madrid agreement-Hague agreement concerning the International Deposit of Industrial Designs -Patent Cooperation treaty (PCT)-Paris convention-Lisbon Agreement - Establishment of WIPO -UPOV and WTO-Mission and activities- History - General Agreement on Trade and Tariff (GATT)-TRIPS Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights - WCT and WPPT- Budapest Treaty - International Convention for the Protection of New Varieties of Plants -sui generis system.
Module IV: IPR in Life Sciences and Computer related inventions - 9 classes
Patentability of Biotechnology Inventions - Protection of Genetic Resources - Patenting of seeds Moral Issues in Patenting Biotechnological Inventions - case studies on biotechnology patents - protection for Software and Computer related inventions - Protecting Trademark and Copyright in the Social media -Copyright Issues in the Digital Environment - case studies on computer related Inventions.
Final one month project shall include:
- One patent office visit
- One industry visit
- During the project, practical classes shall be conducted on Saturdays (i.e. 4 Saturdays) by hands on experience on patent search and Analytics.
- Patent strategy game shall be organized based on a real time situation for the students.
Eligibility Criteria:
The 5-month Certificate Course is for,
- Graduates/Post-graduates/PhDs with science, engineering and other technical qualifications
- Domain Experts, Research Scholars, Teachers and Professors
- Legal Professionals (LLB. & LLM.) with technical background
It will be a part-time course with 3 classes per week on alternate days [Monday, Wednesday & Friday/Saturday] which provides 36 classes for the whole 3 months. Each class consists of 2 hrs.
Fees Details:
- Application Fee: Rs. 200/- Application
- Course: Rs.15, 000/- (Rupees Fifteen Thousand Only)
Payment Mode: DD in favor of "The Director, Centre for Intellectual Property Rights, Anna University" payable at Chennai
How to Apply?
- Application format may be downloaded from:
- annauniv.edu/ipr
- tntdpc.com
- Hard copy of the filled in application form along with a Demand Draft of Rs.200/- should submitted to the following address:
The Director
Centre for Intellectual Property Rights (CIPR) CPDE Building
(behind Vivekananda auditorium)
Anna University, Chennai - 25
- Last date for submission of completed application is 9th January, 2015
- The Selected candidates will be intimated through mail.
Dr. T. N. Shanmugam
Director, Centre for IPR
Anna University, Chennai,
Sardar Patel Road, Guindy,
Chennai - 600 025
Phone: 044-22358574, 044-22358576
Email: ciprtm@annauniv.edu
Website: annauniv.edu/ipr
Mr Subhajit Saha
Head, Tamil Nadu Technology Development and Promotion Center
98/1, Velachery Main Road,
Guindy, Chennai - 600 032
Phone: 044-42444555/503
Email: tntdpc@cii.in / s.saha@cii.in
Website: tntdpc.com
Download Notification, Application Form