20th M.C. Chagla Memorial Government Law College National Moot Court Competition 2014
The Government Law College, Mumbai in association with the Chief Justice M. C. Chagla Memorial Trust is pleased to announce the 20th M. C. Chagla Memorial Government Law College National Moot Court Competition
Date: 11th - 12th January, 2014
Eligibility and Team Composition:
- Participation is restricted to bona-fide law students either enrolled in the 3-year L.L.B Law course or the 5-year integrated Law course.
- Each team shall comprise three members only, consisting of two speakers and one researcher.
- Invitation for the Competition shall be extended to 30 Colleges/Universities subject to a maximum participation of 16 teams on a first-come-first-serve-basis. In the event of any vacancy, invitation for the Competition shall be extended to Colleges/Universities that put in an official request for participation by emailing the same to mca@glcmumbai.com.
- Accommodation shall be provided for the 11th and 12th nights of January, 2014 only.
- Accommodation and Certification shall not be provided to a fourth team member.
The duly filled Registration Form must be scanned and sent via email to mca@glcmumbai.com on or before 30th November, 2013.
The General Secretary
Moot Court Association,
Government Law College,
'A' Road, Churchgate,
Mumbai - 400 020
Email: mca@glcmumbai.com
Download Moot Problem, Rules, Schedule, Registration Form