NLUO Journal of Competition Law and Policy: Call for Papers
Competition Law in India is still an evolving branch of law. To cope with the rapidity of technological and market changes and to deal with future problems, it must be sufficiently flexible in character. Hence, arises a need for a platform for discourse on competition law, policy and its interplay with allied fields which the NLUO Journal of Competition Law and Policy (JCLP) aims to provide.
This annual peer-reviewed journal is the first journal on Competition Law in India which shall be exclusively student-run under the aegis of the University. This Journal also has the privilege of having distinguished legal luminaries and stalwarts in the field of Competition Law as advisors to the journal.
The Journal is currently soliciting contributions from academics, researchers, students, judges and practitioners, in the field of Competition law and practice for its first volume to be published in 2013.
Scope of the Journal shall encompass themes including but not limited to:
- Competition Law and Policy (historical, present or future perspectives)
- Interface between competition laws and allied fields
- Comparative Competition Policy
- Internationalization of Competition Law
Submissions should be pertinent to the theme of the Journal.
Contributions are called under following categories:
- Articles [5000-8000 words]
- Essays and Notes [3000-5000 words]
- Legislative Comments and Case Comments [2000-4000 words]
However, submissions which do not fall under any of the heads mentioned, may be considered if found to be of sufficient merit.
Submission Guidelines:
- All the contributions should be original and must not be previously published or in submission/consideration anywhere else.
- An abstract of not more than 300 words must be included in the submission.
- Co-authorship by upto two authors is permitted.
- The Author(s) biographical details including name, academic/professional qualification shall be mentioned in a separate cover page.
- Submissions should adhere to the following format:
- Main Text:
Font - Times New Roman; Font size -12; Spacing - Double; Alignment- Justified; Margin - One inch on all sides.
- Footnotes:
Font - Times New Roman; Font size -10; Spacing - Every Footnote shall be single spaced, but there shall be double spacing between two different Footnotes (Substantive footnoting is permitted).
- The author(s) is/are requested to strictly adhere to 4th Edition of the Oxford University Standard for Citation of Legal Authorities, available at
- The author(s) is/are requested to confirm by means of a declaration in the cover letter that the manuscript does not infringe the copyright or any other right to a third party, if so, JCLP disclaims any liability for the same.
- As a condition for publication, authors grant exclusive rights of first publication to JCLP. Authors may subsequently publish their articles elsewhere provided JCLP is acknowledged as the place of first publication.
- It shall be noted that the decisions taken by the Board of Editors shall be final and binding.
Mode of Submission:
All submissions shall be made in electronic form by email in .doc/docx format to and should mention "Submission" in subject line.
The last date for a submission to be considered for publication is 1st August, 2013.
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