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National Workshop on IPR - Enlightenment for Creative Thoughts & Creative Events

Department of Botany, Bharathiar University in collaboration with DRDO-DU-CLS, Bharathiar University is organizing a National Workshop on Intellectual Property Rights - Enlightenment for Creative Thoughts & Creative Events

Date: 1st - 2nd August, 2013
Venue: Bharthiar University, Coimbatore

This workshop is a vital initiative to create awareness among the young innovators and budding scientists about the importance of patent. There are many institutes spread across the country which train the students particularly in Intellectual Property Rights (IPR) and it would be definitely very beneficial if the students, faculties and the research scholars get a proper training so that they come to know about the different procedures and modalities to be followed and adapted while applying for patent of their innovation or invention.

Successful management of intellectual property rights, such as copyright, database right, trademarks and patents, is fundamental for the faculty and research scholars in any academic institutions. Academic and Research Institutions are concerned with successfully managing projects and research initiatives and the protection of their IP Rights which will benefit all stake holders. It is also important for students, faculties, research scholars, scientists, authors and other creators working on projects to appreciate what is involved in establishing ownership, rights and interests in valuable original material.

This workshop focuses on best practice: what is essential, what is advisable, and what are the pitfalls to be avoided. Participants will learn how most effectively to deal with the material they work with: to identify, verify and protect the intellectual property rights in it, to commercially exploit and disseminate it to add value, and also how to handle third party material legitimately.

Commercial strategies on how to benefit from the IPRs will be emphasized. An Academic perspective will be taken into consideration in this workshop

Topics to be covered:

  • IPR Basics
  • IPR in today's academic and business environment
  • Patents and Patenting Process
  • Access and Use of Patent Information
  • Patent Prior Art Search
  • Technology Transfer
  • Licensing
  • Intellectual Property Management Systems
  • Commercialization Strategies

Highlighting Features of the Workshop:

  • Case Study on Basics of Trademark, Patents, Designs, and Copyrights etc: By participating in this case study the participants will understand the types of various IPRs and the benefits derived from owning such IPRs.

  • Case Study on Patenting and Patenting Process: This case study would focus on the importance of Patent, the Patenting Process and would provide in-depth knowledge on the entire patenting process.

  • Case Study on Patent Prior Art Search: The Participants would will have hands on information on how to do a patent prior art search, which will throw open to the latest technologies and the current state of art in any particular domain of science.

  • Case Study on Technology Transfer and Licensing: The participants would understand on how to commercialize their invention/patents and the licensing issues. This case study will also enable the participants to understand the concept of technology transfer.

Who should attend?
The workshop is specifically designed for student, faculties and research scholars' project managers, program managers, team leaders, project professionals and staff involved in research projects. Technologists, inventors, authors and other creators will also benefit.

Registration Fees:

  • Delegates: Rs. 600/-
  • Research Scholars/Students: Rs. 500/-

Accommodation is being arranged for the delegates in University hostels on request at first come first serve basis. However, the participants are encouraged to make their own arrangements for stay. The registration fee does not include accommodation charges.

Dr. T. Parimelazhagan
Organizing Secretary - WIPR
Bharathiar University, Coimbatore - 641 046
Phone: 04222428305, +91-9750006025

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