2nd RGNUL Multidisciplinary Congress on Research Methodology
Rajiv Gandhi National University of Law, Punjab in collaboration with ICSSR is organizing the 2nd RGNUL Multidisciplinary Congress on Research Methodology
Date: 2nd March, 2013
- Qualitative and quantitative research
- Research ethics
- Quantitative research (interviews and questionnaire)
- How to write a research report
- Challenges to good research
- The Congress is open to all students, teachers and professionals in India. Each participant shall be permitted to submit only one entry.
- Joint entries shall be permitted however, only one of the authors shall be permitted to present the paper and accommodation shall be provided to the presenter only.
Registration and Submission of Abstracts:
Abstracts of a maximum of 500 words on either of the sub-themes should be submitted online at the Submission Form latest by
15th January, 2013. Selected, papers should be submitted by 30th January, 2013.
Participants whose abstracts have been selected would be required to register after payment of the following fee :
- Rs. 1000/- for students
- Rs. 1500/- for Academicians/Professionals/Other Participants
The payment should be made through a DD in favour of 'The Registrar, RGNUL' payable at Patiala. The registration fee covers conference kit, tea and lunch). Accommodation can be provided on request.
Abstract Submission Guidelines:
- The abstract must not exceed 500 words.
- The abstract shall be duly submitted with the online registration form available at http://www.rgnulcongress.org/submission-form.html
Paper Submission Guidelines
- The word limit for each paper is maximum 4000 words (including footnotes and excluding abstract).
- The paper must be accompanied by the abstract and a cover page including Name, Postal Address, Phone number, Institute Address, Email Address, Sub-theme, Title of paper and word count.
- Other than the cover page, there should not be any form of identification in the paper.
- The header of the paper may mention the sub-theme and title of the paper.
- The research paper must include references in the form of footnotes.
- All submissions must adhere to the following requirements:
- Font - Times New Roman | Font Size - 12 | Line Spacing - 1.5 | Footnote Font Size - 10. Submissions should be sent as soft copies to rgnulcongress@hotmail.com in '.doc' or '.docx' format only.
- The method of citation should follow the RLR scheme
- All submissions must be original and bona fide work of the participants; plagiarism will result in non-consideration of paper for acceptance. The contestants by entering in the contest agree to indemnify the organisers from and against all claims, suits, and damages based on any claim of copyright infringement or plagiarism or unauthorized use.
- The research paper should not have been submitted anywhere else for publication whatsoever.
Presentation Rules:
- Power point presentations are encouraged.
- Each speaker shall get a maximum of 10 minutes for the presentation.
- All entries shall be considered the property of the RGNUL which reserves the right of publication of the same in any book, journal or in any other manner as it may deem appropriate, without providing any royalty or compensation.
- The Organisers reserve the right to vary, repeal, alter any of the rules if so required, as they deem appropriate.
- A peer review process would further scrutinize all accepted papers and selected papers shall be published in a souvenir, edited book of the seminar with an ISBN Number.
Mr. Angshuman Hazarika
Email: ahazarika@live.in
Mr. Jatin Garg
Email: mail@jatingarg.in
Rajiv Gandhi National University of Law, Punjab
Mohindra Kothi, Fountain Chowk, The Mall,
Patiala - 147 001, Punjab
Helpline: +91-978-012-4644, +91-998-872-2644, +91-946-709-9644
Email: rgnulcongress@hotmail.com
Website: http://www.rgnulcongress.org/
Download Guidelines for the Contributors