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National Seminar on Woman, Dalit & Human Rights in India

All Indian Rights Organisation (AIRO) is organizing a National Seminar on Woman, Dalit & Human Rights in India. The objective of the seminar is to understand the notion of Human Rights with special reference to Woman and Dalit in India.

Date: 8th & 9th March, 2013

It is a common feature of any society or nation which discusses woman in the frame of development (Education, Health, Economy, etc.) but women may be sketched between cultural women and constitutional women. Cultural women carries values, traditions and all other behavioural aspects which is necessary to maintain and retain a culture in the societal frame whereas constitutional women refers an idea about the legal and constitutional frame given to them for their empowerment.

So, when we discuss women, we discuss the difference between cultural women and constitutional women or we can say that how many a cultural women is transformed to constitutional women. In the same way the word "DALIT" has also a cultural evolution with different notion like ardhnagn, asprashya, untouchable, Dalit, Harijan and finally they are defined as Dalit in 1935. In cultural frame these people are never treated as equal as twice born people. Culturally these people are deprived of basic necessities which are overcoming by the process of reservation. Replacement from lower strata to upper strata economically, twice born people never liked it but due to different provision provided in legal and constitutional frame, a drastic change is visible in their lives but this picture could not take its full shape because of ethno-centralism.

Reservation policy, atrocities act and different schemes given in five year plans are trying to make Dalit Woman as people of India which should be analyzed, so, two strong pillars of the society, women and Dalit Woman are crushed by human right violation which should be put before the government agencies, academicians to make a better nation and it is the focus of two day National seminar to be held on 8th & 9th March 2013.


  1. Woman and Education.
  2. Woman and Empowerment.
  3. Health Status of Woman.
  4. Socio-Cultural Life of Dalit Woman.
  5. Dalit Woman and Social System.
  6. Dalit Woman and Human Right.
  7. Future of Woman.
  8. Future of Dalit Woman.
  9. Dignified Life of Dalit Women

Registration Fees:

  • Teachers: Rs. 600/- (late fee Rs. 750/- after 31st January, 2013)
  • Research Scholars: Rs. 400/-(late fee Rs. 500/- after 31st January, 2013)

Call for Papers:
Interested academicians and research scholars are requested to submit their abstract in 200 words in a given format. The last date for submission of abstract is 31st January, 2013 on this following email address:

Abstract should be in English/Hindi with 200 words in Times New Roman/Kruti Dev 010, Font Size 12pt, Line Spacing 1.5. Abstract other than the given format will not be entertained.

Important Dates:

  • Last date for registration with abstract: 31st January, 2013
  • Last date for registration without abstract: 8th March, 2013


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