A38 Journal of International Law (Volume 2, Issue 1): Call for Papers
The A38 Journal of International Law (ISSN 2277-9361) is a quarterly academic journal, published online, that seeks to provide an international forum for the publication of articles in the field of International Law. The Journal is currently soliciting submissions for Volume II, Issue 1, which will be published in April 2013.
They welcome submissions from academicians, practitioners, students, researchers and experts from within the legal community. They have a strong preference for articles that assert and defend a well-reasoned position.
While Volume II, Issue 1 will be devoted to the broad theme of "International Conflict", articles on any other issue under Public International Law will also be accepted. They welcome submissions under the following categories, with ballpark figures for word limits:
- Articles (between 6000-10000 words including footnotes)
- Short Notes (3000-6000 words including footnotes)
- Book Reviews (1000-2000 words including footnotes)
- Case Commentaries (3000-5000 words including footnotes)
Co-authored papers / Papers with multiple authors are welcome.
Submission Guidelines:
- Submissions are to be made only in electronic form, and are to be sent to
- submissions@athirtyeight.com.
- All submissions for the current issue must be submitted on or before 28th February, 2013.
- Each Article must be accompanied by an abstract of not more than 300 words. No abstract is required for Short Notes, Book Reviews or Commentaries.
- For Book Reviews, you must describe the subject of the review clearly, including the name of the book, the name of the author, the name of the publisher, the date of publication, and, if applicable, the edition number.
- Please provide Author details with your submission, including qualifications and institutional affiliations. These details are to be provided in the first footnote of the article, referenced from the author's name.
- All work must be original. By submitting any work, the author is presumed to declare that the article is original and has not been published elsewhere.
- All articles must be submitted only in MS Word format (.doc or .docx extensions).
- References must be footnoted. All references must be cited in simple text. No formatting is required for the citations.
All submissions are promptly acknowledged within a few hours of the receipt of submission. The decision on publication takes a minimum of 2 - 3 weeks after the deadline. Requests for expedited review can be sent to submissions@athirtyeight.com when the submission is being considered for publication by other journals. Should you request expedited review, please mention the name of the journal for which your article is under consideration, along with the name and e-mail address of one contact person on the Editorial Board of that journal and a date by which you expect our response.
The submission deadline for Volume II, Issue 1 is 28th February, 2013.
Call for Interns:
Are you in Law School? Do you enjoy International Law? A38 is now accepting applications for virtual/web-based internships from all over the world. Spread over three months, these internships can have you work closely with literature on international law, research and articulation through the written word.
They are looking for smart, interesting, quick-thinking and versatile interns with a penchant for articulation. Interning with A38 will be a valuable addition to any Curriculum Vitae, especially if you are looking at an academic career, or a career in international law. The training ground for analytical writing and studying International Law that A38 is, will offer you international exposure as a savvy professional. Lawyers aren't keeping their knowledge to themselves, anymore, so join the bandwagon where Knowledge is the Common Heritage of Mankind!
Internship Profile:
Blogging Intern: A38 maintains a blog to ensure a steady flow of information, articles and scholarly debate. They are looking for five interns to man the blog for twelve weeks, with contributions in the form of one article a week. These articles are expected to be previously unpublished, in pertinence to the generic field of international law, draw upon current affairs and project room for debate, discussion and knowledge dissemination.
Other Details:
- Internships are unpaid positions.
- Internships last for 3 months, and are virtual. Renewal of terms is subject to the agreements between A38 and the intern.
- Interns will be welcomed to submit a paper for the Journal, which will be published (subject, only to quality control!) under the "Intern Research" column.
- Interns must necessarily be tech-savvy. Correspondence through the period of internship will be via email and Skype.
- Interns are to be students at Law School (preferably having had experience with International Law in some tangible manner), although recent graduates are welcome to apply.
- Following the receipt of applications, they will be scrutinized, and a shortlisted set of candidates will be called for an interview via Skype, after which only successful candidates will be informed.
The entire process should take no more than 2 - 3 weeks.
Application Process:
Your application packet must comprise the following:
- An analysis of any contemporaneous issue in International Law in 500 words.
- A copy of your Resume/Curriculum Vitae
- A short piece in 100 words, explaining why you want to be a part of A38 as an intern.
Send in your applications to kirthi@athirtyeight.com with Internship Application in the subject before 20th January, 2013.
Ms. Kirthi Jayakumar
Email: kirthi@athirtyeight.com
Website: http://www.athirtyeight.com/
Download Call for Papers, Call for Interns