DUMUN - Crisis Summit 2013
The Organizers of Delhi University Model United Nations 2010 and 2011 bring to you the next milestone in the amazing journey of MUNing, DUMUN - Crisis Summit 2013.
DUMUN - Crisis Summit 2013 is an unconventional MUN conference which will incorporate never seen before committees and plethora of debating and brainstorming. If you love to debate, if research is your choice of weapon, if problems are what you love to solve, or simply for those who love MUNs, this is the conference, you wouldn't want to miss.
Date: 10th - 12th March, 2013
Venue: Conference Center, Chhatra Marg, University of Delhi, Delhi-110007
Delegate Applications:
The deadline for Delegate Application is 15th January, 2013 (11:59 PM).
Online Registration:
Mr. Hisham Ahmed Rizvi
Phone: 9999171299
Email: secgen@crisis-summit.in
Mr. Rajat Rai Handa
Chief Advisor
Phone: 9810818116
Email: chiefadvisor@crisis-summit.in
Ms. Vasudha Arora
Chief of Staff
Phone: 9711412088
Email: associations@crisis-summit.in
Ms. Surabhi Malhotra
Phone: 9968273231
Email: info@crisis-summit.in
Website: http://www.crisis-summit.in/
Download Invitation