The Justice Cyriac Joseph Foundation International Arbitration Law Moot Court Competition
Rizvi Law College is organizing the Justice Cyriac Joseph Foundation International Arbitration Law Moot Court Competition.
Date: 10th - 13th January, 2013
Venue: Rizvi Law College, Mumbai
The competition is open to both undergraduates i.e. to students pursuing a programme of study that leads to a Bachelor's degree in law (LL.B / BL) (either the 3 year or the 5 year program) as well as to postgraduates i.e. to students pursuing a programme of study that leads to a Master's degree in law (LL.M). Only one team from an institution is allowed.
Teams should comprise of a minimum of 2 members and a maximum of 3 members. Each must necessarily be composed of two speakers.
Guidelines for Submission:
A soft copy of the memorials in read only Microsoft Word format (.doc or .docx) should reach the organizers latest by Saturday, 5th January, 2013 latest by 23:59 Hrs. (IST) on
Teams are required to submit five hard copies of memorials for each side at the time of desk registration on 10th January, 2012 at 16:30 Hrs.
Selected teams should, thereafter, send the enclosed registration forms duly filled in along with a registration fee of Rs. 1500/- (Rupees One Thousand Five Hundred Only) by Demand Draft favouring "Rizvi Law College" payable at Mumbai so as to reach the organizers not later than 5th December, 2012 by 17:00 Hrs. (IST)
The hard copy of the duly filled in registration form along with the demand draft should be sent to the below mentioned address:
Rizvi Law College,
New Rizvi Education Complex,
Off Carter Road, Bandra West
Mumbai - 400050, Maharashtra
All registered teams are required to re-confirm their participation in person on arrival on Thursday, 10th January, 2013 at the registration desk by 16:30 Hrs. at the Rizvi Law College campus.
Food & Accommodation:
The Organizers will provide accommodation to members of the participating teams for the duration of the Competition i.e. from 10th January, 2013 (12:00 hrs.) to 14th January, 2013 (12:00 hrs.). Accommodation shall be provided only to outstation teams.
Accommodation shall be provided only to the three registered members of the team of the registered college/institute. No accommodation shall be provided for any additional member/ observer/ coach or faculty.
Rizvi Law College
New Rizvi Education Complex,
Off Carter Road, Bandra West
Mumbai - 400050, Maharashtra
Download Moot Problem, Rules, Registration Form